Photoshop Basics

This free course takes students through the basics of Adobe Photoshop. Students will start with learning how to set up a print-ready document and be familiarized with the general workspace and palettes for digital painting. Lessons will cover many of the basic tools, various types of layers, blending modes, channels, masks, and even how to create custom brushes.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: Document Setup and Resolution

Lesson 2: Workspace and Palettes

Lesson 3: Understanding the Canvas

Lesson 4: Layers Palette

Lesson 5: Pixels vs. Vectors

Lesson 6: Layer Masks

Lesson 7: Adjustments

Lesson 8: Blending Modes

Lesson 9: Tools

Lesson 10: Shortcuts

Lesson 11: Custom Brushes

Course Instructor

Taren Morse Taren Morse Course Author

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Course Information

Duration: Lifetime Access

Intensity: Beginner

Course Materials

Adobe Photoshop

Refund Policy

Please note that courses with critiqued lessons are nonrefundable due to the limited number of seats.

Available Enrollments
